seoClarity Research Study
Top Priorities and Roadblocks in Enterprise SEO - [Research]
Challenges That Limit Organic Growth Potential
By Mitul Gandhi, Chief Architect & Co-Founder of seoClarity

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Challenges That Limit Organic Growth Potential
By Mitul Gandhi, Chief Architect & Co-Founder of seoClarity
SEOs often share with us about the obstacles that interrupt their path to results.
Even the most basic tasks can be a huge undertaking for large enterprises!
To understand this challenge, we surveyed nearly 1,200 SEOs (both in-house and agency-side) to discover:
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A majority (86%) of SEOs estimate that organic revenue would grow by at least 50% if they were able to implement outstanding changes.
The top priority for SEOs is technical fixes (35%) followed by creating and deploying content (25%).
Half (50%) of SEOs are currently waiting for technical fixes to be carried out.
The biggest hurdles for implementing changes are ‘lack of SEO resource’ (55%) and ‘lack of dev resource’ (53%).
SEOs estimate that if all outstanding changes were implemented, their companies would generate an additional $35.9 million each per year.
When we asked respondents which is their ONE top priority, 35% said technical SEO fixes. This is followed by 25% who consider creating and deploying content to be the main priority. Tweet
We asked survey participants about how long they normally wait for these technical SEO fixes to be implemented, and the majority of respondents (37%) said it normally takes weeks, while:
A lucky 16% of enterprise SEOs get technical SEO fixes resolved within hours with 30% reporting days.
Beyond that, SEOs reported the following standard SEO tasks take up a lot of their time:
When we asked about the challenges in implementing SEO projects, more than half (55%) said the biggest hurdle is the lack of SEO resources while 52.5% also mentioned a lack of dev or engineering resources.
Other challenges include:
As our research showed, one of the biggest challenges facing SEOs is the inability to implement changes due to a lack of dev or engineering resources.
The key task SEOs struggle to implement without dev resources is adding or editing structured data, with an overwhelming 92% of SEOs saying they are unable to perform this task without dev or engineering resources.
We asked the respondents how much they think organic revenue would grow if they were able to make all of the most important changes and tackle their top SEO priorities.
The vast majority (86%) estimated that the organic revenue would grow by between 50-100%.
To get a clearer idea of how much revenue is to be gained from SEO opportunities, we asked respondents about their company’s revenue.
By combining the estimated company revenue with existing organic channels, we can determine SEOs believe: if all outstanding changes were implemented, revenues would expand by an average of $35.8 million per year.
Our survey was conducted using the Zoho Survey platform and consisted of our email subscribers and clients. The survey was open between September 24 and September 29 2021, and received 1,195 responses. The average respondent estimated their company’s existing overall revenue to be approximately $132.1 million per year, and that organic revenues are $55.6 million of that total.
We didn’t ask our respondents to distinguish any personal features about themselves.
Where our questions were framed in a range, i.e. ‘50% - 60%’, we took the mid-point of the range and calculated figures based on a median.
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Lastly, we invite you to connect with Mitul Gandhi, Co-Founder and Chief Architect of seoClarity, on Twitter, and join the discussion about what can be gained when we remove barriers to SEO success.
As a longtime data-driven serial entrepreneur, information architect and SEO veteran, Mitul has developed a blend of vast technical expertise and intense marketing insight. His variety of experience, gained in positions in in-house SEO, search marketing, and software development, affords him the ability to efficiently assess how to use software tools to meet challenges and drive ROI. As the Co-Founder and Chief Architect of seoClarity, Mitul currently oversees day-to-day operations, and provides strategic direction to all departments. His well of knowledge includes 10+ years of consulting experience with Fortune 500 and top Internet retailers concerning online search marketing. He has several patents pending for analyzing cause and effect in SEO. Mitul holds an MBA in direct marketing from Rochester Institute of Technology. Additionally, he has spoken at conferences in the United States and the U.K., including SES, SMX and Pubcon. He has also been quoted in MSN Money, USA Today, Time Online, Search Engine Watch, Search Engine Land and Web Pro News. Connect with him on Twitter or LinkedIn.