Unmatched Data Volume

Search any keyword against 32+ billion keywords from our proprietary clickstream dataset with 224+ billion data points.

Deep Topic Insights

Input any topic and retreive semantically related keyword suggestions, 24-month search volume trends, 12-month search intent trends, keyword difficulty scores, and other metrics.

Advanced Filtering

Filter by user keyword search volume, intent, and peak season (keywords with the highest monthly search volume).



Analyze and Leverage Vast Amounts of Keyword Data

Easily discover relevant keywords to streamline your optimization efforts and uncover valuable insights. Leverage this data for data science and SEO analysis projects.

Identify Topic Clusters

Uncover more precise definitions or subcategories of a topic and identify topic clusters to create "hub and spoke" content.

Search Intent at Scale

Understand user intents for topics at scale to enhance engagement, improve search engine visibility, and drive conversions.

Expand Your Keyword Universe

Discover additional high-value keyword ideas and uncover new content ideas to stay competitive in ever-evolving search engine landscapes.

Unlock Your Data in Just One Click

With an API key, effortlessly retrieve bulk data from the world’s largest SEO keyword dataset, ensuring unlimited access anywhere you need it.


Integrate with your Data Warehouse

Easily import your keyword data into your custom data warehouse, BigQuery, or RedShift using our flexible API or FTP options for custom data extraction.


Integrate with any BI Tool

Effortlessly integrate with your preferred business intelligence platforms, such as BigQuery, Google Data Studio, Tableau, Domo, and others.

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Directly Usable Keyword Data

Our Keyword Research API doesn't just offer vast amounts of SEO data – it ensures that data is free of misspellings or inaccuracies, saving you time and effort.

ai data interconnect

User-Friendly Interface

Built on a RESTful framework with an intuitive design, our API offers a seamless, adaptable, and efficient user experience. It outputs results in a clear JSON or CSV format, readily available through uncomplicated HTTP requests.

Frequently Asked Questions

What business intelligence tools does seoClarity integrate with?

seoClarity seamlessly integrates with various BI tools, providing you with flexible access to your data.

Our supported integrations include BigQuery, which can connect to platforms like Google Data Studio, Tableau, Domo, and more, along with RedShift, Amazon S3, Box, Snowflake, and Looker.

Plus, with your seoClarity subscription, you receive an API key and/or token to simplify the process.

If your preferred BI tool isn't listed, you can still access your data directly through our API or custom data extract options.

More on BI tools integrations >

How much does seoClarity's Keyword Research API cost?

When it comes to pricing, we keep it simple: Data for elements tracked in your seoClarity account is provided free via the API.

The API query limit varies based on your subscription level and the number of tracked keywords, allowing clients with API access to make up to 31 calls per tracked keyword monthly. 

For access to the full dataset for research or one-time analysis, there's a charge per request.

Learn more about our packages on our pricing page.

Where can I get more information about your Keyword Research API?

For comprehensive Keyword Research API documentation, please reach out to your Account Executive at seoClarity.

To access an overview of the supported filters, response codes, and additional details about the API, click the link below.


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